My Organized Chaos: #firstworldearbudproblems

Friday, September 25, 2015


Hey there! So something happened to me yesterday that is one of my biggest pet peeves...... tangled earbuds. Or are they called headphones even though they go in your ears..... Anyways, I know you are probably like, "Really Allison, that's your problem for the day. woooowww" #firstworldproblems #smallprobs #theywerereallytangled. Ok Ok Ok I'll stop.  Not sure why I went on a hashtag slide there. My bad!
Really- this happens to me all the time and yes I know I am to blame because I just throw them in my purse and expect them to roll themselves up. Well, they never do! 
So I took to the internet to figure out a cheap and easy way to fix this. (yes I actually looked this up. Don't judge me). I didn't want to buy some gadget that holds the cords, just a way of tying them or something easy to DIY to help. I found a few ways and wanted to share them with you!

Headphones before:

The way I am using it the way I am picturing below. It doesn't take any materials, just wrap the cords a certain way. I admit I had to think about this one to continue to wrap it correctly. May not be the best way in a hurry or until you can memorize the way to do it. Or maybe i'm just slow........that's probably it....let's be honest. 

Just make sure you loop in front of your pinky finger and behind your index finger. Lastly, pull the plug in through the hole and you are done! When ready to use, just pull the plug back through the loop and pull. They should pull apart easily!

You can always use the tried and true of just wrapping them around your fingers and wrapping the cord on itself but I like the method above because they pull apart easier. 

Some people deploy fancy or DIY gadgets to hold their headphones
Image result for wrapping headphones
Image result for wrapping headphones
Image result for wrapping headphones
Image result for wrapping headphones
Image result for wrapping earphones

Or even use containers to store their cords away from other items:
Image result for wrapping headphones
Image result for wrapping headphones

And then there are the just plain disturbing.....
Image result for wrapping headphones
Image result for wrapping earphones

It looks like the holders you can buy range any where from $1 to $30.....the disturbing gargoyle/monster/demon head was $25. Why anyone would buy that is beyond me. 

Hopefully this helps in your quest for the perfectly organized earbuds....or earphones.......or headphones......or whatever they are!

Until next time.........

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