This weekend I got a visit from my dad to the new house. Whenever my dad is here there is usually a lot going on, this weekend was no exception! He puts me to work on projects around the house and the results always amaze me! We started the weekend off by planting my first garden! I'm so excited! I decided to plant peas, carrots, lettuce, peppers, and cucumbers. I'm hoping it all works out well and will post pics once it looks like more than a pile of dirt. We also worked on giving my back yard some color with these beautiful flowers!
We also worked on some other projects around the house that I won't tell you about yet- its a surprise!
One project I started this weekend was building my own daily planner. Ever feel like you can't remember what is happening on what day? I go through this daily! I have tried keeping a calendar in my phone but often forget to update it. I tried one on the fridge, but didn't like that there is only so much I could write. I'm old school and need to write things down to truly remember them. (I feel like I have 1-2 friends going "Oh that's why she forgot my birthday...again") I admit, my memory can be terrible! I immediately went shopping online and in the store for a planner to fit my needs. I went to Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, etc. Nothing was what I wanted. Some where too small, not the right page setup, or just hideous. So, like any other crazy person I decided to make my own. To be honest I was thinking I would whip something up in 30 minutes and be done. The perfectionist in me was screaming at my first draft and I slowed down and took my time so it was something that worked for me. I am looking forward to sharing this with you all, but for now I will give you a teaser--
The pages that will be included in my planner will be:
1. Monthly calendar views
2. Weekly calendar views
3. Special dates page
4. Cover pages
5. Yearly donation tracker
6. Note pages
7. To-Do lists
8. Meal planner pages
It will be what all other planners wish they could be.
Once I have all the pages put together the way I want I will share more.
Taking this time to build this planner is tedious but it will improve my organizing so much in the long run!
Need a planner custom fit for you but don't know where to start? Reach out to me! I'd be happy to build one for you!
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